Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dear Hotel Industry Of America...

Why do you all only have outdoor pools? I thought it was common for pools to be inside. We dont live in a place where it's warm all year around, so your logic is flawed. I was looking forward to swimming next week with my daughter, and only 3 hotels have indoor pools. Ironically, these are the 3 hotels owned by the very man who fired my husband unjustly due to his race, and then replaced him with someone of his OWN race who was also a relative. (Indian.) My husband refuses to give business to the people who put him out of work illegally, which is fine. I am just saddened that I won't get to swim.

On the plus side, no one will see my in a bathing suit for a few more months. That gives me a little time. I looked in the mirror after my shower today, and started to feel terrible about myself. While Im losing weight and inches, my stomach is looking bigger and bigger! I'm not sure how or why, but it's true. I think it looks more deflated now, and therefore bigger as the skin sags more. I am working out on my elliptical but I just can't get rid of this damn mom belly. I am so mad about this. I wish I could just do lipo, sigh.... Wouldn't that be great?

Anyways-that was my random blog/rant of the day.

Peace and Love
Sarah V.


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